Varicose Vein Treatment CentreCentre for Aesthetic Medicine and Laser TherapyLiposuction and Body Shaping Centre


Nutational Liposuction N.I.L. (Nutational Infrasonic Liposculpture)in plastic surgery creates a new stage in vibration liposuction techniques, while being a precise, effective, painless and minimally invasive method of sucking out fat tissue.

At the Bellazone Clinic, we are one of a few in Poland - we use the latest and highest model of N.I.L. Liposuction systems. – Eva SP6 equipped with the most technologically advanced EVAMATIC 5 head – which premiered in spring 2017.

What is nutation?

Effect: INFRASOUND vibration with a frequency lower than 20 Hz stimulates non-nociceptive fibers (not transmitting pain signals), which hinders the conduction of pain stimuli and causes the secretion of endorphins (gate control theory in pain modulation)

What is N.I.L. liposuction?

N.I.L. liposuction (Nutational Infrasonic Liposculpture), also known as nutational, is the most innovative method of removing unnecessary fat tissue. The device for performing this treatment has been patented by the Belgian company Euromi, and thanks to special cannulas connected to the apparatus that move in multiple planes (3D) using compressed air, it is possible to very precisely and non-invasively remove up to 4 liters of adipose tissue during one treatment session. . The treatment is performed using a thin cannula that generates infrasound, which causes the body's natural secretion of endorphins, i.e. happiness hormones. This, in turn, ensures that no pain is felt both during and after the procedure (natural anesthesia occurs).

Advantages of N.I.L. liposuction

Who is N.I.L. liposuction for?

The treatment is intended for anyone who dreams of a slim figure. It allows you to give the desired body proportions, reduce unnecessary fat tissue and shape your figure. It is an ideal alternative for patients who are not satisfied with diet, exercise and other minimally invasive treatments. Another advantage of this procedure is the possibility of reimplantation of the aspirated tissue and the possibility of transplanting it to another area of the body.

Dr A.Rebelo
Dr S. Houyoux
6 months after the first liposuction
Dr S. Houyoux
after 6 months
Dr H. Mekle
Dr. Hossam Tahseen
Dr H. Mekle
Dr H. Mekle
Dr H. Mekle
Dr A.Rebelo
Dr S. Houyoux
after 8 days
Dr M. Safar
Dr H. Mekle
Dr H. Mekle

In what areas can N.I.L. Liposuction be performed?

The treatment can be performed in the following areas:

Preparation for liposuction – Endermologia Alliance LPG

Liposuction is not a method of losing weight or reducing body weight. This is an ideal solution for people who have a problem limited to specific anatomical areas - the so-called local obesity. The best results are achieved in patients with elastic skin. But this does not mean that patients with loose skin cannot undergo N.I.L. liposuction.

In cases where excessive fat is accompanied by skin laxity and/or skin damage in the form of scars or stretch marks, we combine (precede) liposuction with other treatments, such as: Exilis Elite BTL radiofrequency therapy with the use of plasma stem cells (PRP). Before the liposuction procedure, each patient must be prepared, i.e. the treatment area should be subjected to Aliance LPG Endermology therapy, i.e. lipomassage. Endermologie® Alliance affects the body in three dimensions:

  • Reduces locally localized and resistant fat tissue
  • Smoothes cellulite
  • Firms the skin by stimulating the production of natural collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid

The latest Endermology Alliance treatment techniques preceding the treatment improve tissue cohesion and improve the condition of fibrosis. In turn, in the postoperative period - they accelerate tissue healing, minimize swelling and promote the elimination of bruising. The first treatment can be performed just 3 days after liposuction. The recommended frequency is 3 times a week.

It is also possible to perform manual massages instead of Alliance LPG Endermology.

What does the procedure involve?

The treatment involves introducing the tip of the suction cannula into a unique 3D movement - the so-called nutational movement, which causes less mechanical pressure on both the fatty tissue and the closest internal tissues. Thanks to these movements of the cannula, fatty tissue is broken down and sucked out. Additionally, a very important fact for many patients is that low-frequency movements - which are almost imperceptible under local anesthesia.

Kaniula w ruchach nutacyjnych

The N.I.L method, unlike standard mechanical liposuction, does not damage the sucked fat tissue, thus enabling its re-implantation.

The procedure itself is preceded by a surgical consultation, during which the doctor will assess all indications and contraindications to the procedure, and the patient will receive the necessary information about the process and possible effects.

Before performing NIL nutational liposuction, the area undergoing therapy is anesthetized locally - we do not have to use general anesthesia, which is a huge advantage of this method. Topically anesthetized skin is incised to make 3 mm long holes. Then, a liquid that numbs the fatty tissue is administered through a metal cannula (blunt-ended tube), which ensures comfort during the procedure and minimizes the risk of bruising after surgery. 30 minutes after administering anesthesia, the actual liposuction procedure begins. During one treatment, on average 1000-1500 ml of fat tissue is sucked out. The maximum quantity is 4 liters. The procedure takes about 2-3 hours (depending on the amount of tissue sucked out/area treated). The first effects of liposuction are noticeable after a few to a dozen or so days, while the final effects require two to six months (this time depends mainly on the extent of the procedure).

After the procedure, the incision sites are closed with surgical sutures and dressings are applied. The area subjected to liposuction requires the use of a compression garment or a special elastic belt - which is necessary to heal the places where the fat tissue was collected.

Advantages of N.I.L. liposuction

N.I.L. liposuction It is definitely a less invasive procedure compared to the traditional method. Before the procedure, local anesthesia is performed, and then a cannula is inserted through a small skin incision of several millimeters. During its movements, infrasound is produced, which additionally minimizes pain sensations, increasing the comfort of the entire procedure. Additionally, the equipment has built-in sensors that automatically turn off when they encounter tissue other than fatty tissue, which significantly reduces the amount of post-treatment bruising and swelling.

What are the advantages of N.I.L. Liposuction?

What is the recovery period like?

After the procedure, stitches are placed at the incisions and should be removed after about 7 days. The areas affected by suction may be slightly tender and swollen for approximately 48-72 hours, but they subside relatively quickly. It is mandatory to wear a special compression garment 24 hours a day for 7 days, after this period only during the day for another 10-14 days for complete healing.

Immediately after the procedure, the patient is dressed in a specially selected compression garment, which must be worn 24 hours a day for 7 days and then during the day for the next 10-14 days, which is an important condition for the success of this method.

Liposuction in cases of significant overweight gives satisfactory results after several sessions.

When should you expect the results?

In the first days after the procedure, the effect may not be visible due to possible swelling and tissue healing process. It is best to evaluate the effect after complete healing, i.e. approximately 45 days after the procedure. The most important thing should be remembered: this is not a weight loss method, but only the reduction of fat tissue, so to get the best results after the procedure, you should follow a diet, drink at least 2 liters of water a day and engage in at least minimal physical activity (e.g. walking, Nordic walking). ).

Contraindications to the procedure:

How to prepare for the procedure?

Before the procedure, a medical consultation is always required, during which the area to be treated and the difficulty of its implementation will be determined. Additionally, it is necessary to perform laboratory tests (no earlier than 7 days before the planned date of the procedure):

Additionally, before the procedure, the patient should fast for at least 6 hours and discontinue any medications that interfere with blood clotting (e.g. aspirin) 10 days before the scheduled date of the procedure.

To ensure maximum security, the following are required:

What after the procedure?

A follow-up consultation and removal of the stitches (if non-absorbable sutures are used) takes place after 7 days. Until then, our medical staff and reception staff remain in active telephone contact with the patient.

In the first 48-72 hours, the areas subjected to liposuction are tender, swollen and may suffer from bruising and even hematomas. Over time, these symptoms decrease in severity.

The scars after the procedure are very small and usually become invisible after 4-6 months.

The final effect of reducing the volume of sucked out fat tissue can be assessed after approximately 45 days - i.e. after the swelling has subsided and the tissues have fully healed. You should always remember that although the treatment gives visible and measurable effects, it is not a weight loss method. The condition for maintaining a slim and desirable figure is a healthy lifestyle - diet and physical activity.


Liposuction is not a method of losing weight or reducing body weight. This is an ideal solution for people who have a problem limited to specific anatomical areas - the so-called local obesity. The best results are achieved in patients with elastic skin.

The effect of liposuction is permanent - the sucked-out tissue will not regenerate and excess fat will no longer accumulate in the area of the sucked-out fat tissue - which does not prevent weight gain, but only ensures that the achieved proportions are maintained.

Why is it worth performing N.I.L. Liposuction

Price of treatment
From PLN 2,500